Cinematiceye is proud to announce that it is now the official videographer for the Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton, NJ. The museum has never had video as part of it's website or promotional campaign. Now, visitors to their website will be able to see videos of art openings, showcases, interviews with artists, and exhibitions. Plus promos of upcoming events as they happen.
Currently the museum has its winter exhibition open to the public. "Claybodies: Reinterpreting the Figures", "Useless Tools" by Sarah Stengle - both exhibits open thru June 12 and lastly "Mindscapes" by Marzie Nejad open through April 3. Hurry to catch it before it closes.
The museum is also close to completing it's outdoor patio extension and it will become a terrific venue for wedding receptions with the river, water fall and the famous Red Mill in the background.
We begin shooting Wednesday.