Saturday, February 26, 2011

Triathlon Night at Pete's Bike Shoppe

Whenever you put a large group of triathletes in a room full of new bikes ( at Pete's Bike Shoppe in Flemington NJ - mixed with tons of buzz about the upcoming triathlon season, you have a toxic mix of raw athleticism and the kid in the candy store.
We were there to capture it all and bang out a simple video for Mike Nusbaum of PACERACING to push the highlights to all the folks who were and weren't there in person last Tuesday evening.
Seeing some of those incredible tri bikes from Trek and cool wet suits almost makes me want to start training again. Then again, the triathlon world hasn't missed me since my last race in 2002... so why push it?
You can watch the video by clicking here.

Triathletes are Weenies in the Water

What's the matter with today's triathletes? Just the thought of a little bump from nature during the swim absolutely freaks them out.

A couple weeks ago, I made a very tame poster for Mike Nusbaum and his JerseyMan Iron Swim being held May 7 at Spruce Run Reservoir. It was a nice picture of a beach and a tiny wave starting to recede. The feedback was that the poster looked too menacing and that they wanted a kinder gentler poster that would suggest the event was friendlier...

I quickly responded with the poster included in this entry...thankfully, my triathlon days are over.