Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Claybodies" Film completed

What a joy. Shooting art in one of New Jersey's finest art museums. Our first film is called "Claybodies" and is a very special exhibit displaying the work of 14 different artists.
You can view the film by clicking HERE

Monday, April 4, 2011

CinematicEye shoots Triathlon Promo

Jackrabbit Sports and Paceracing are gearing up for the triathlon season with the Jerseyman Triathlon Festival Weekend on May 21, 22. They're expecting hundreds of athletes and triathlon fans from all over the particular New York City, where Jackrabbit sports is providing transportation for NY triathletes to come out and compete.
CinematicEye will be there to shoot both days and create a film of the entire weekend. We're going to have three cameras to capture the events, a remote helicopter for aerial shots and a motorcycle camera to capture the bike and run course. Every athlete that registers will get a video...
The link below will take you to the unofficial promo for the event...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cinematiceye at the Hunterdon Art Museum

Cinematiceye is proud to announce that it is now the official videographer for the Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton, NJ. The museum has never had video as part of it's website or promotional campaign. Now, visitors to their website will be able to see videos of art openings, showcases, interviews with artists, and exhibitions. Plus promos of upcoming events as they happen.

Currently the museum has its winter exhibition open to the public. "Claybodies: Reinterpreting the Figures", "Useless Tools" by Sarah Stengle - both exhibits open thru June 12 and lastly "Mindscapes" by Marzie Nejad open through April 3. Hurry to catch it before it closes.

The museum is also close to completing it's outdoor patio extension and it will become a terrific venue for wedding receptions with the river, water fall and the famous Red Mill in the background.

We begin shooting Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tip #2 Shade Your Lens

Nothing will deteriorate image quality faster than sunlight shining directly on to the front of your lens. To give you a comparable example, you know how it feels when you walk out of a darkened movie theater into direct sunlight? Everything looks sort of washed out and icky. That can happen to your camcorder too, if you don't take steps to protect its "eyes."

The best bet for preventing lens flare is a custom lens hood designed by your camera manufacturer. If your camcorder doesn't accept a lens hood, then you can use your hand to block the harmful rays of the sun. But that can be awkward if you're taping without a tripod.


by Derrick Story, author of the Digital Video Pocket Guide

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Top Ten Digital Video Tips - Tip #1

Anyone who has picked up their camera, tried to record video and were disappointed with how it all turned out... there are some basic things you can do to make your shots look a lot better. This also applies to photography and video. Here is tip #1 of a 10 tip series from photojournalist Derrick Story. --bill

Tip #1 Limit your light sources

by Derrick Story, author of the Digital Video Pocket Guide

Your eyes and brain can quickly adapt to mixed lighting situations -- such as tungsten, daylight, and fluorescent -- but your camcorder has a much more difficult time. fluorescent lights often cause a greenish cast, while tungsten makes things orange-ish; even good ol' daylight can color your scene blue if you're in the shade or next to an open window.

How the heck do you deal with all of that?

The best solution is to try to limit your light sources, and then use your camcorder's white balance setting adjust for the dominate light source. So if you're indoors with lots of light streaming in the windows and bright fluorescents overhead, then either turn off the fluorescents and balance for the daylight, or pull down the window shades and adjust for the overhead lighting.

Once you start thinking about mixed lighting sources, you can take steps to avoid those situations. When you can't, try to limit the different types of illumination and adjust your white balance accordingly.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


We are happy to announce that CINEMATICEYE has signed a deal with PACERACING, New Jersey's premier Sports Event company for the 2011 season. We're contracted to produce films for five of it's sports weekends.

Mike Nusbaum, race director and promoter in conjunction with JackRabbit Sports have seven wonderful races planned. Plus a new state of the art timing system that allows family and friends to track athletes anywhere in the world while they're competing, texts splits and race results instantly to phones. They're the only sports event company on the east coast that has this advanced a system.

PaceRacing's Triathlon season kicks off the weekend of May 21st at Spruce Run Reservoir in Clinton New Jersey with a Sprint triathon on Saturday and a Half Iron on Sunday. We plan to have a remote helicopter capture the swim start. Three cameras cover all the action..even a motorcycle camera to capture the bike and run legs. PACERACING is also planning on giving every athlete that competes a free download of the final film...something no other race company does.

2011 is going to be a great year for Triathlon..the sport is growing like crazy and PACERACING is providing races of all distances for athletes of all levels. If you're thinking of doing your first triathlon, you'd do well to visit the PACERACING website and sign up. Spots are selling out quickly.

So see our triathlon films from 2010, click here

CINEMATICEYE teams up with Zidster

Video for the web is hot. A compelling video on a home page holds visitors longer and significantly increases the probability that a sale will occur.

This is nothing new to Zidster, an online business pages company that hosts hundreds of small businesses online. What is new is that CINEMATICEYE and Zidster have joined forces. We are now the official video production company for Zidster and we couldn't be happier.

Together, we've come up with affordable packages for local businesses so web video is accessible to even the smallest of companies. We're currently working on our first project together for Nadine Maleski, a well known divorce attorney in Flemington.

You can visit the spotlight page on 'Zidster's website where our demo videos are showcased.

Looking for a video for your business? Give us a call at 908-310-5481

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Meet our Newest Client

Meet our newest client. Ron.

Ron is a health advocate for horses, dogs and cats and he has a message he wants to deliver to all pet owning humans. His message is: "MASSAGE IS GREAT AND WE LOVE IT"... It's one of the very best ways you can show your horse, dog or cat that you really love them.

They have aches and pains too. Especially when they get older and it gets harder and more painful to move around each day. Massage, especially when it's performed by their specialist, JoAnne Meyer Hererra, a proud member of the Clinton Business Group, does absolutely wonderful things to their body.

So we've been hired by Ron's company, Rubbing Elbows to make a video and demonstrate the amazing effectiveness of massage on a horse... and a dog...those little guys REALLY love it too.

There's no reason why an older pet has to suffer from old age or injury. There is a way to help them.

Stay tuned for the video...COMINGSOON

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Triathlon Night at Pete's Bike Shoppe

Whenever you put a large group of triathletes in a room full of new bikes ( at Pete's Bike Shoppe in Flemington NJ - mixed with tons of buzz about the upcoming triathlon season, you have a toxic mix of raw athleticism and the kid in the candy store.
We were there to capture it all and bang out a simple video for Mike Nusbaum of PACERACING to push the highlights to all the folks who were and weren't there in person last Tuesday evening.
Seeing some of those incredible tri bikes from Trek and cool wet suits almost makes me want to start training again. Then again, the triathlon world hasn't missed me since my last race in 2002... so why push it?
You can watch the video by clicking here.

Triathletes are Weenies in the Water

What's the matter with today's triathletes? Just the thought of a little bump from nature during the swim absolutely freaks them out.

A couple weeks ago, I made a very tame poster for Mike Nusbaum and his JerseyMan Iron Swim being held May 7 at Spruce Run Reservoir. It was a nice picture of a beach and a tiny wave starting to recede. The feedback was that the poster looked too menacing and that they wanted a kinder gentler poster that would suggest the event was friendlier...

I quickly responded with the poster included in this entry...thankfully, my triathlon days are over.